Branding is a combining of tangible and intangible traits and characteristic of a product to make it's unique.Like manufacturing product that have their "own" standard and "name" in order to sustain in market place.Here by applying this concept through our self ,will create our self more quality in term of people perspective.People also relate that "self branding" with career advancement.But,is not for that actually.It's also helps define who and what you are,how "great" you are and potential employers should hire you.Take the time to plan and focus on what you want as a brand name for yourself.Assess your weak areas and develop a strategy to gain the right experience needed to overcome them. People also said that,experience is the best teacher...Here,it's clear that by using experience will been prevent us to do a mistake and fault for the future.Experience not only by "feeling that situation by own self" ,but we also can learn from people past "experience".Here is,a short-cut for us to learn about life.Keep continue gain a knowledge to make sure that our self keep on "updated".Process of learning,its not just only we achieve certain education level(diploma,degree,master),but it's long-life process until we die. Then,try to build relationship through networking and power of "word of mouth".Word of mouth is what people say about you.So make sure that your network (friends,teacher,colleagues,former employers,etc...)knows your most recent accomplishments and successes so that they will put in some good words for you.
Analisis Keputusan Pilihanraya Kecil Kuala Kubu Baru
8 months ago
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